What is the Teacher Award Program?
Founded in 1899, the VFW highly supports the education of America’s youth. VFW and its Auxiliary have developed a slate of programs dedicated to helping America’s educators.
VFW Citizenship Education programs stimulate interest in America’s history, traditions, Americanism, civic responsibility, flag etiquette and patriotism.

Teachers care deeply about America and its children. They’re concerned about the perpetuation of America’s noblest traditions and highest ideals. Wouldn’t you like to see them get the honor they deserve? Now you can.
Why Should I Enter?
VFW wants to identify and recognize America’s best educators who instill a sense of national pride in students. The national awards include $1,000 Smart/Maher award for each of the top K-5, 6-8, and 9-12 teachers for professional development expenses, $1,000 award for each winning teacher’s school, commemorative plaques and all-expense-paid trip to the VFW National Convention.

Who is Eligible?
All current certified/licensed teachers in grades K-12 are eligible. Previous national VFW winners are ineligible. Nominations can be submitted by
themselves, fellow teachers, supervisors, family members or other interested individuals.
How are teachers nominated?
Fill out the official entry form contained on the next page, and provide a one-page resume as a minimum or up to five pages as a maximum of documentation of their teaching experience (for example: resume, references, news articles, etc.)
and a head-and-shoulder photo if available. Please submit your completed entry form signed, along with the required documentation to Wallace Chaffee VFW Post 1679 at mailto:cmd@vfw1679.org or call 805.642.2764. 

What Is the Deadline for My Entry?
All entries competing at the Post level must be in the hands of that VFW Post by midnight, Oct. 31, 2023. It is the responsibility of the nominator to meet this
deadline by submitting their entry to the proper location by ensuring it is a participating Post.

What Are the Judging Criteria?

Citizenship (1-25 points): On a scale of 1-25, to what extent does the teacher encourage and/or model good citizenship and community involvement?
Innovation (1-25 points): On a scale of 1-25, how much innovation (new ideas, new tools, new resources, and new approaches) does this teacher utilize in
the classroom? Does this teacher’s effort reflect an ongoing desire to stimulate the students with new things?

Resources (1-25 points): On a scale of 1-25, to what degree has this teacher demonstrated an ability to identify and utilize new and exceptional resources to
fund, facilitate and provide materials for his or her classroom? Does this teacher tap into outside agencies, organizations and individuals to acquire materials and expertise in the classroom? As an example – bringing speakers, finding in-kind and monetary donations, or utilizing local opportunities like museums, field trips and local events.

Passion (1-25 points): On a scale of 1-25, to what degree does this teacher appear to be passionate about the profession of teaching? Are they regularly seeking to upgrade their skills? Do they try and find ways to encourage their students? Do they take a personal interest in their student’s individual success?
Teacher of the Year Brochure